Dear friends in Christ,
It has been about a month since our arrival here at St. Mary’s Parish and we wanted to take a moment and be very intentional about expressing our gratitude to you.
Thank you - for extending us such an incredibly warm welcome. We were blown away by the creative ways you showed us open arms: from organizing welcome receptions (and labelling pictures of the kids!), to the avalanche of notes and cards and emails and spiritual bouquets, to the “whatever I can do” attitude that so many folks have greeted us with. Those little kindnesses have sustained us in difficult moments over the last few weeks.
Thank you - for your patience with us as we get the hang of things. (Fr. Anthony estimates that he spends 62% off his waking hours cycling through his key ring, trying to find the right key for all the different doors!) We are working so hard to keep everything as close to “normal” as we possibly can.
Thank you - to the parish staff. During the first days of the transition the phones went down, emails were compromised, people were out sick. Everything seemed to break at once. Our staff rose to the challenge. There are a thousand behind the scenes types of things required to operate these two churches, far more than perhaps folks realize, and without the staff it simply would not be possible.
Thank you - to Fr. John Paul and Fr. Joachim for their patient assistance, helpful tips and fraternal support. We understand that this has not been an easy month for everyone. It has not been easy for us. But the Lord Jesus is faithful. In the end, this is His parish. Our only desires are to see you grow in relationship with Him and for this parish to be filled with the fire of the Holy Spirit.
We are excited to see what the Lord does next here in New Haven. Please know of our great affection for you, and our willingness to walk with you and serve you in any way that we can. May each of you know the peace of Jesus Christ and may the New Year be filled with peace and blessings for you and your families!

In Christ,
Fr. Ryan
Fr. Anthony
Parochial Vicar