On behalf of the entire Dominican community at St. Mary’s, we would like to extend our deepest thanks to everyone who made our 800th anniversary celebration of St. Dominic Day so amazing. There were so many people who contributed to the success of the whole festival.
The entire concept was put together by a group of parishioners, who (as they told us) wanted to provide a celebration for the friars. The implementation (on relatively short notice) took the efforts of so many! There was the task of designing the flyers, posters, and social media advertising. There was the conceptualizing of the decorations and so much work blowing up balloons, hanging streamers, framing photos, arranging for high-tops. There was the "beautifying” of the space via tablecloths and flower arrangements (all done “in-house”!) There was an incredible amount of work involved in obtaining the beverages and the wonderful FOOD... not the least of which was locating and interfacing with our pig roaster “Ricky D’s Rib Shack.” (Side note: he owns a restaurant in town by that name that does take-out and dine-in, as well as catering events like ours. He was very friendly and super easy to work with. Please keep him in mind down the road and patronize his business if you enjoyed his food.) There were the beautiful flowers in the church... a combination of arrangements made by parishioners as well as some that were generously donated by the Knights of Columbus. There was the beautiful music for vespers which supplemented the (maybe-not-quite-so-beautiful) chanting of the friars. And last but not least, the wonderful contribution of the cloistered Dominican nuns writing our incredible rosary meditations, and the work of the Dominican laity in organizing and leading that portion of our prayer time together.
We, as the friars, were deeply touched by everything. It was a true labor of love on the part of all involved. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you.
“These, my much-loved ones, are the bequests which I leave to you as my sons; have charity among yourselves; hold fast to humility; keep a willing poverty.” - Holy St. Dominic

Photo Credit: Bethany Ippolito
God Bless,
Fr. John Paul